Franz Kafka’s World
Writers, Painters, Artists from Old Prague
Digital Gallery

Rilke Rainer Maria

René Rilke was eight years older than Kafka, and when he left Prague in 1890, Kafka was still at primary school behind the Týn Church, struggling with his sums. And when Kafka’s first text was printed, Rilke was already an established writer. It is not known whether they ever met face to face, but we do know of the value Rilke put on Kafka’s work. Rilke particularly approved of the story The Metamorphosis. In 1922 he asked the publisher Kurt Wolff, “please would you always make sure to notify me of anything by Franz Kafka which comes to light. Let me assure you that I am by no means his worst reader.”  

I have never read a line by this author which did not concern or astound me in the strangest way.

Rainer Maria Rilke

… for of the past, we only possess what we love. And we want to own all that we have experienced. 

Rainer Maria Rilke

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